rashtriya sant shree janardan swami



                                                     Babaji’s Life


I. Childhood of Shri Janardan Swami

a) Date Of Birth: 24th September 1914 (Ashwin Shuddha Lalit Panchami Shakay 1836)
b) Place Of Birth: Tapargaon, Taluka Kannad, District-Aurangabad (Maharashtra)
c) Father’s Name: Shri. Appasaheb Patil Ugle, At. Dahegaon Taluka- Vaijapur, Aurangabad
d) Mother’s Name: Smt. Mhalsabai
e) Grandfather: Shri. Kisanrao Patil Mohite, at. Tapargaon, Taluka-Kannad, Aurangabad
II. Love for spirituality

Swamiji’s maternal uncle was an ardent and avid reader of the holy “Bhagwat Gita” and he had great faith in his scripture, Swamiji’s mother, Mhalsabai had great liking for hearing scripture viz. “Bhagwat Gita” and “Bhagwat” and when she was pregnant and even at other times when staying at her parents place, she would never miss the opportunity of hearing discussions on these scriptures. Bring pious by nature, from his very birth and thanks to the meritorious good deeds of his previous birth, the child janardan would clearly recite the subsequent verses from the Bhagwat scriptures, which was being read by his maternal uncle - even before there were uttered by his uncle. All would be feeling impressed and wonderstruck by his feats! There is a proverb in Marathi which reads : “A child’s feeling can be seen in the cradle” that means, his piety and meritorious behavior aroused the curiosity of all around him, evenwhen he was a child! Unfortunately for him the other elders in the family frowned upon him for exhibiting these qualities! We used to address Shri. Saint Janardan Swami as “BABAJI”.
Babaji’s pious nature disturebed and distressed his paternal uncle. Babaji Maharaj, the child did not show any interest in family matters. He would constantly seen reciting nama, japa and verses of holy songs known as “Ovya”, Gawalani and Bharudas. He would walk around the village (Pradakshina) and regularly undertake fasts, Vratas and Vaikalpa. On some holy occasion, he would visit as many as 12 temples of Hanuman around his village to have darshan pour water on idols. He had as much faith In Lord Hanuman (Maruti) as he had in Lord Shiva and, therefore, he would regularly undertake severe fasts for his favourite (aradhya) Devatas Lord Shiva along with lord Hanuman.
III. Near relative’s experiments of black magic on Babaji

Babaji’s paternal uncle wanted Babaji (Janardan Swami) to follow worldly ways and lead married householder’s life. Being an expert practitioner of black magic, he along with other family members of his thinking, beat Babaji on many occasions and when this also failed, they finally threatened to kill him. On one day, his paternal uncle, flung him into a thorny bush of Acacia, and went home happily! On that occasion, Maharaj who was used to repeating God’s name (Nama-smaran), constantly, closed his eyes and sought God’s help. Consequently, he did not come to any harm. Janardan Swamiji just got up, had his customary bath and repeating God’s name constantly (Japa)he again took a round of his village (Pradakshina). Noticing that Maharaj was not only still alive, but also not affected in that least, and that he was happily moving about, his paternal uncle’s anger knew no bounds! It was felt by members if his family that possession of such blind faith in God and such pious and godly behavior by any member of the family was a blot on their hereditary role of headman of the village (Patilki).
As he grew up, in age, Janardan Swamiji yearnings for spiritual upliftment also grew day by day and thereafter he was kept locked up, outside the house. Food was not sent to him there, from his house. One Brahmin family was noticed all this, took pity on him and came to his help and served him and saved him from calamity. One day his paternal uncle hatched a vicious plot and mixed some poison in the food which was served to him.
IV. Exhibition of Miraculous and divine powers

Although he could not have known that his food was poisoned in order to kill him, yet, just as in the case of Saint Mirabai, where poised food was turned into ambrosia (Amrit), In similar manner, here also, Janardan Swami, Called his Brahmin aunt, and handing over the container with poisoned food, instructed her strictly that nobody should be allowed to eat it, and that it should be disposed by burying it in the soil to ensure that it was not consumed by any one. In this manner, by God’s grace even this cruel devilish attempt to kill him failed.
As a result, his relatives became more angry and even tried to permanently damage his eyes and make him blind. But all these devilish and cruel attempts had absolutely no effect on him, because every time he had protection of God. Thereafter these relatives resorted to acts of black magic against him. However, since Janardan swami possessed unique divine power and God had provided him with armour, non of these cruel acts had any adverse effect on him. On the contrary, whoever tried these cruel attempts to eliminate him, had to themselves lose their lives. As a result finally Maharaj’s paternal uncle and likeminded relatives realized and felt convinced that Janardan Swami was possessed of divine powers.
V. Sadguru (Spiritual Preceptor)

As Janardan Swami had deep faith in the “Bhagwat” scripture right from his child-hood, he was deeply enamored of the devotion to God. Exhibited by members of the Warkari Cult. (Warkari Sampradaya). At that time, Hari Bhakta Parayana (H.B.P.) Laxmanbuva Wagholikar Deshmukh of vidharba rigion, was one of the authoritative leaders of the warkari sampradaya. There is a small village known by the name “Gowlwadi” near Maharaj’s village of Dahegaon. One lady vendor of flowers from that village regularly visited Dahegaon to sell flowers of “Bel” tree. Right from his childhood days, Janardan had filial affection for her and she also showered motherly love on him. One day little janardan on sly went to this flower vendor’s house in Gowlwadi and requested her to allow him to hide in her house for some days and to not inform any one about it. He stayed there In isolation till he completed entire reading of the (Parayan) Samvedas scripture. During this period of Parayana reading, the water level of the well of this poor flower vendor lady began to rise automatically and remained at the highest level without receding. This was a great miraculous event . At about this time, Mhalsabai, Mother of Janardan Swami Maharaj expired. Since her death removed his filial responsibilities of looking her welfare, Maharaj decided to leave his house and village and go elsewhere.
After that maharaj arrived at Andharsul village. This village is located at Yeola Taluka of Nasik District By reference of flower vendor Maharaj came here. Maharaj arrived in the year 1952 at Andarsul and stayed in an ancient Shiva temple (nageshwar temple) which was living (Jagrut) temple. He practiced severe Sadhana (Penance) continuously seated for 18 to 20 hours daily. He went on continuously increasing the severity of sadhana living on just one small glass of milk daily and engaged continuously in “Maun Vrat” till 28/06/1964 when he got Sagun Darshan Of SHIV. Every night he would perform religious rituals and “abhishekh” of bel tree leaves (Shodshopchar Puja, Bel Patra abhishekh) from 12 midnight upto 3.30 a.m. in the morning. After that till sunrise he would do Dhyana (Mediation) and thereafter to extensive study of various Vedas and also the scriptures viz. Bhagwat, Bhagwat Gita, Chandrakant, Mahabharat, Katha Kalpataru, Sam veda etc. ancient epics and religious scriptures. Regular daily routine of three times bath puja, Sadhna was also practiced continuously. Maharaj had ardent love for the scripture “Bhagwat” and right up to his last moments he continuously guided his discipline to study the “Bhagwat”.
VI. Meeting with Nagababa and initiation into Sanyasa

During the period when babaji was practicing in the Nageshwar temple. The perfume of his “Bhakti(Piety)” spread all around rapidly and on some auspicious morning in the year 1962 a “Mahayogi” known by the name of “Shivramgiri Maharaj”, belonging to the Naga Sanyasa Pantha (denomination) presented himself at the Nageshwar temple! Both Shri. Janardan Swami and Nagbaba stared at each other and recognized each other through spiritual inspiration. Nagbaba stayed in temple for somedays in that period he initiated Janardan Swami into “Sanyas” and on one morning bestowed on him the “GURUMANTRA” and from that day onwords he was named as “Maungiri”.
And finally Janardan Swami arrived at Shrishetra Verul (holy place ellora). To the east of Grushneshwar Temple (at Ellora) flows the velganga river, in a southerly direction. At this place in the center of the confluence of the river, which is toward the east of present Siddheshwar temple, Janardan Swami commenced and completed the “ANUSHTAN” of the “Bisa Yantra” for seven days. After completing “anushtan” hetook leave of lord Ghrushneshwar. Accompanied by devotees from his village andarsul, he went on a pilgrimage covering Aundha Nagnath and Parali Vaijinath and then to Pandharpur and return to andarsul.As the days passed, the sweet perfume of spirituality and mysticism of Maharaj started spreading fast in the neighbouring areas and soon thousand of devotees started flocking for his darshan.
VII. Shramadan and renovation of Lord Shiva’s temples

Janardan swami took up and completed renovation / reconstruction of several shiva temples which had become dilapidated due to inactivity by Shiva divotees, and also took up construction of new Shiva temples as listed below.

1) Pinakeshwar Mahadev Temple at Jategaon, Tal. Mamdnagar in 1968
2) Siddheshwar Mahadev Temple at Ellora, Tal. Khultabad in 1971
3) Pareshar Mahadev Temple at Palkhed Tal Vaijapur in 1972
4) Janeshwar Mahadev Temple at Aurangabad in 1972
5) Kashi Vishwanath Mahadev Temple at Puntamba in 1972
6) Hridayeshwar Mahadev Temple at Trambakeshwar in 1974
7) Sharvayeshwar Mahadev Temple at Tapowan, Nasik in 1977
8) Kashi Vishwanath Mahadev Temple at Bet Kopergaon (Work started in 1985)
9) Mauneshwar Mahadev Temple at Sakuri Tal. Malegaon Dist. Nasik
VIII. Teachings and Vision of Swamiji

Swamiji continuously propounded his teachings to society, through his constant preaching (Pravachanas). These teachings broadly stressed as under.

1) Always keep yourself engaged and busy in work.
2) Practice always morality in life and be pure.
3) Avoid jealousy.
4) Lead a life of sweet and good nature.
5) Avoid abusing others.
6) Avoid use of other’s wealth.
7) Avoid food of others.
8) Consider all women as if they are like your mother.
9) To show real spiritual path to common people
10) To establish addict free society
11) To increase "work-culture" in the society
12) To give free of cost education to economically weaker students
13) To reanimate ancient Gurukul system
14) To develop barren land
15) To preservation of the cattle

In such simple but clear language he would stress the importance of these teachings / messages. Through his personal example and by his own actions he imparted knowledge regarding the need to meditate on God. He taught the devotee to put in hard work and taught dignity of labour and stressed that merely talking without action is meaningless. He would always advise devotees from the various professions viz. agriculture / farmers, trade, industry and teaching (profession) as under.
Swamiji Left his mortal body and attained “Mahanirvana” in Nashik Ashram at 4:35 am on 10/12/1989. Just three days before his Mahanirvana he had instructed some ten or twelve of his close disciples, that his mortal remains should be buried in the Ashram at Kopergaon bet on 11/12/1989. Lakhs of his devotees attended the burial. On the 16th day of (Shodashi) religious ceremony of this Sanyasi at Kopergaon, some seven to eight lacs of devotees were present.
On his first death anniversary, the groundbreaking ceremony (Bhoomy Puja) of the “Samadhi Mandir” was performed. This ceremony was performed at the august hands of Jyotishpeethaddheesha Param Pujya Jagatguru Shankarachyarya vasudevanandaji Saraswati Swami and was attended amongst others, by Saint Param Pujya Harinarayanandi Maharaj, Mahamantri Bharat Sadhu Samaj, New Delhi, Param Pujya Madhopuri Maharaj, Shri Panchadashanam June Akhada, Sabhapati Param Pujya Someshwarpuri Maharaj, Param Pujya Atmapuri Maharaj and other Saints.


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