shiva mantra

lord shivas wonderful mantra Wonderful Mantra to Reduce Sufferings We live in a world which works on the principle of Duality. Everything has two extremes: Good-Bad, Sorrow-Happiness, Hot-Cold, and so on. Such as a battery cannot work with just one pole; there has to be positive as well as negative, similarly good and bad have to be there. Hardship, suffering, problems, obstacles, disease are very much a part of life. Time is ever changing and each person has phases of sorrow and happiness, health and disease and so on. We live in a world where spiritual learning and development is through hardships and sufferings. It is a fact that many spiritually highly evolved beings had a life full of suffering, disease and scarcity. An ignorant onlooker may regard such a being as a poor soul working out his or her previous bad Karma. But probably that person undertook suffering and hardships just to overcome physical limitations and evolve to a higher entity. Is there any Relief...