Kubera Mantra: Power, Benefits and Procedure Kubera is the Lord of Wealth . Kubera mantras are not something that can be chanted without believing in them and without putting all the efforts that you can. Power: You just have to believe in the mantra and chant it with your heart; it not only brings peace to your life but also bring everything that you desire to have, especially the materialistic things that you want to enjoy. People chant Kubera mantra because they are into financial losses, or probably signing a big deal and they want to attract some positive energy into their life. Kubera is the Hindu Lord of wealth, and hence, when you praise him and chant his mantra, you are bound to get all the luck that you need to grow more in your financial stream. It is said to be ‘that’ powerful! The story of Kubera stretches back when he was made fun of due to his obese appearance. It was then when he decided to please Lord Shiva; when he pleased...