Sonagiri Jain Temple, Gwaliar S onagiri is located Datia 15 km (By Road) 15 km (by Train) from Datia and 45 km (By Road) 48 km (By Train) from Jhansi. For transport a Bus of Sonagiri Kshetra is available at Sonagiri Railway Station. Sonagiri tirth is pure natural environment, hilly and scene of beautiful temples with high spires looks very attractive, pleasing to eyes and mind. Sonagiri is a sacred place popular among devotees and ascetic saints to practice for self discipline, austerity and to attain Nirvana since the time of Bhagwan Chandraprabhu . T he Samavsharan of Bhagwan Chandraprabhu came here for 17 times. Nang, Anang, Chintagati, Poornachand, Ashoksen, Shridatta, Swarnbhadra and many other saints achieved salvation from here. This is the unique place known as Laghu Sammed Shikhar covering the area of 132 acres of two hills. There are 77 beautiful Jain temples with sky high spires, Temple No. 57 is main among them. Acharya Shubh Chandra & Bhartrihari lived and worked here ...