Aries astrology 2014 will give you a quick view into the future. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac cycle. The mascot for Aries is the strong and powerful Ram. There are 3 constellations in Aries which are Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika which are ruled by Ketu (Descending Lunar Node) Venus and Sun respectively. Aries is ruled by Mars which is a soldier in planetary cabinet. Arians are born leaders, courageous, ambitious and aggressive. Aries, your will power is something you take pride in. You are prone to get into fights and have marks on your face and hands. Your audacity, short temper and huge ego can be a turnoff for many. You take great pleasure in having union with opposite sex. You also earn a huge amount of money by your own efforts, hard work and guts. Let us find out what Aries horoscope 2014 has to say about you. Aries horoscope 2014 will cover all the aspects of your life like family, health etc.
Aries Horoscope 2014 Astrology for Family
As per Aries horoscope 2014, family life in this year is going to be tough. You will not be able to give time to your family members and many problems will surface due to that. You will be moving away from home time to time and that will be a reason for discord in the family. In the month of March there will be unwanted troubles in home and you will be losing focus from other things, predicts Aries horoscope 2014. You will get more self-centered from March onwards and you will see major changes from June. There will be gains to your father and other elders in the family after June says Aries 2014 horoscope .
Aries Horoscope 2014 Astrology for Health
According to Aries horoscope 2014 health will be another front, which will disappoint you in the beginning of the year. Chances of getting caught in fever, viral disease are very high. You will suffer from acidity and acute pains will also emerge, predicts Aries horoscope 2014. So it will be wise to be cautious and avoid junk food. Eat normal home cooked meals to avoid further trouble. This year will trouble you with many health related issues. March-April is the time when you should be most preventive in your habits, advises Aries 2014 horoscope .
Aries Horoscope 2014 Astrology for Love
Venus takes around 22-24 days to cross a sign when in direct motion. Venus governs love, romance and all such joyful things. Sun is the lord of love affairs and Venus is the lord of spouse. Arians, love front is not looking very bright for you as per Aries horoscope 2014. You will indulge in unnecessary expenditure. Rahu and Saturn is in 7th house, which will not prove to be very good for married couples. It will disturb the peace and tranquility in the relationship, warns Aries 2014 horoscope. However, from June things will get better for you.
Aries Horoscope 2014 Astrology for Career
Aries people have to work harder than others to achieve their goals and they are born hard workers. This year you will have to prove this dictum, otherwise efforts are bound to go in vain, predicts Aries horoscope 2014. Natives in the field of Media, Communication, Law, Religion etc. will be shining bright. For others it is a tough call. After June you will perform much better and there will be a distinct difference in your performance.
Aries Horoscope 2014 Astrology for Money
As per Aries 2014 horoscope, finances are going to be normal. It will be wiser not to put money in speculation etc. otherwise losses are indicated. Purchase of a new home is also there for those with good balances. July onwards, there are good chances of you doing so. The tendency of being spendthrift is always there with you so control it for better future, advises Aries 2014 horoscope .
Aries Horoscope 2014 Astrology for Education
As per Aries 2014 horoscope, education is going to be very good this year. Students of Law, Commerce, Engineering, Research, Chemical sciences will have good time this year, advises Aries astrology 2014 predictions. The pursuit of higher education will also be fulfilled and you can go abroad for higher studies. Competitions in the month of June and July will be very favorable for you. Good luck and have a happy 2014!
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