miracle siddhar saint

  Sathguru Venkatarama Siddhar speaking on 29 May 1992 at the Thiru-Erumbur sacred space:

Agasthiar Maha Guru The audio clip embedded above is a recording of Sathguru Venkatarama Siddhar speaking on 29 May 1992 during our seva (service) in the Thiru-Erumbur temple of Lord Erumbeeswara Shiva.

 In this audio clip, Siddha Sathguru Venkataraman gives us the Karma Destroying Mantra of Lord Erumbeeswara and also talks about the blessings bestowed on us by Charu Marudhaniswara Siddha in this sacred space.

English Translation

 Here's an English translation of what the Sathguru says in this clip:

 The divine name of the Lord of this sacred space has been written as Thiruverumbeeswarar. This is wrong. It should be written as Thiru-Erumbeeswarar.
 Similarly, the name of this sacred space should be written as Thiru-Erumbur and not as Thiruverumbur.

 The mantra of the Lord of this sacred space is "mun-vinaiyum pin-vinaiyum muRi-adippaai eRumbeesaa."
 "முன்வினையும் பின்வினையும் முறியடிப்பாய் எறும்பீசா."
 Just like we say "Annamalaikku Arohara" in honor of Lord Arunachala, this is the mantra for the Lord here—Shiva Erumbeeswara.

 The worship procedure for the Lord here is the offering of punugu chattam. This mantra should be chanted at that time and also when we circle the Lord's shrine here on our kneecaps.
 [This circling the shrine on one's kneecaps—kneeling down first and then moving on one's knees—is a special worship procedure for the Lord here, said Sathguru Venkataraman.]

 The Lord instructs us here that even a little ant can attain mukti salvation.
 That is at a basic level of instruction. But who exactly is this ant? That is a deeper question and is only answered for more mature devotees.
 When most human beings pass their lives without thinking about mukti (salvation), will an ant think of it?
 But if an ant thinks of mukti, that means there is some divine power at work there. It is this divine power, this divine grace, that makes even an ant think of mukti.

 Now inside the Lord here, there is a special Siddha. In the Lord's ant hill here.
 The moola-sthana residence of this Siddha here is known as pin suranga paadhai, a secret passage below the sanctum. This Siddha resides here to this day, in physical form.
 This Siddha takes the form of an ant to get darshan of Lord Shiva Erumbeeswara here.

 The name of this saint is Charu Marudhaniswara Siddhar.
 This Siddha blesses us with cures for every kind of skin disease, itching and every kind of allergy.
 It is only with the blessings of this Siddha that skin specialists succeeds in their dermatology careers.
 Skin specialist doctors and people suffering from skin-related ailments must come here and pray to this Siddha.

Mantra Explanation

 In the mantra given by the Sathguru, mun-vinai refers to past karma.
 pin-vinai refers to present and future karma.
 muri adippaai means "please break asunder." In other words, please destroy.
 So the mantra means "Lord Erumbeeswara, Please destroy my past, present and future karma." (Erumbeesa is another way of saying Erumbeeswara.)


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