Dasa Ganu Maharaj started to write Stavana Manjari and completed on 12.09.1918, Thursday . On this day Dasganu Maharaj dedicated Stavana Manjari to Saimaharaj. Saibaba blessed him. This was written 36 days before Baba's mahasamadhi. please read Stavana Manjari 11 times and receive the blessings of Lord Saibaba. each one of us can read stavan manjari in our known languages so that we can understand the meaning of it...if we know the meaning and start reading then we will be blessed by BABA. “The Shri Sainath Stavanamanjari” or “A Humble Tribute to Shri Sainath” was one of Das Ganus Compositions, completed on 9th September 1918 at Maheshwar, near Indore, on the banks of Narmada just Thirty Seven days before Baba took Samadhi on 15 October 1918. The theme of this Hym of Praise of one hundred and sixty four slokas is very simple ones. After invoking Ganesh and other deities the tribute to Baba starts subtly in the fifth slokha without naming Him but calling Him Vishnu an...