Im pleased to inform you all

about kakabhujanga siddha.He is the son of Lord Brahma and he is

great Rishi.He lives in the forests of tamilnadu.He is very

inaccessible and maybe two or three people have seen him.He is also

lakhs of years old.So maybe because of his intense tapas not many

have seen him.


His favourite bird is the

crow.KAKAHA means crow in sanskrit.Sre Kagabujandar (Sre Kakabusundi)

who is the very first preceptor of the vast universe has been

governing the earth from time immemorial (several millions of years).

Since then, it was He who has been extending His able guidance to all

the creatures living on the earth. He, with Baguladevi has been

guiding the Universe as father and mother. Thus Sre Kagabujandar

(Kakabusundi)may rightly be called the Supreme Preceptor of the



Lord Umaamaheswara(lord shiva) who governs the whole universe has

created numerous Celestials ranging from the Trimurthis (Mummurthis)

namely Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Celestials numbering up to three

hundred and thirty millions, forty eight thousand Sages, Ninety

millions of Siddhas (a class of Celestials who have acquired eight

mystic powers), Kinnaras, Kimpurushas, Gaandharvas,

Siththavithyatharas, Yakshas, Astha dikpalakas (a class of Celestials

who governs eight directions of the Universe), Nine planets and

Celestials who offer protection to other lives such as flies, ants

etc numbering up to eighty eight thousand. Therefore Lord

Umaamaheswara created Sre Kakabujanga (Sre Kakabusundi)for the sole

purpose of offering guidance regarding the past, present and future

secrets to mankind. In order to execute the great work He was

designed for, Sre Kakabujangar (Sre Kakabusundi)was blessed with an

everlasting life.Lord Umaamaheswaran entrusted Him with many



(a) To determine the functioning of the Universe


(b) Understand the future states of all the Celestials (beginning

from the Trimurthis)


© Offer explanations regarding Divine secrets to the concerned

persons at the proper time persons at the proper time


(d) To act as a Legal Advisor by clarifying doubts regarding Divine

secrets by giving proper explanations and passing judgements on the

same in the Divine Assembly


(e) To preserve the Divine secrets about the incidents taking place

from time to time since the beginning of creation


(f) To preserve the Divine secrets of sixty-four Divine arts in His

Soul and to give advice (about the Divine secrets) to the right

persons at the right time


Sre Kakabujanga (Kakabusundi)who has been living in this Universe

since ages (several millions of years) has imparted spiritual

knowledge about the various Divine secrets (several millions of

secrets) to several millions beings. Some of the Divine secrets were

delivered directly to one of His best disciples namely Sre Gorakkar

who resides in Kollimalai (His Abode). The Divine Life History of Sre

Kakabujangar (Sre Kakabusundi)forms a part of the Divine secrets

delivered to Sre Gorakkar.


The task of creation set for Lord Brahma, Comes first. Lord Brahma

could not get a clear vision about how to go about the task allotted

to Him . So He looked at His consort Saraswathi and discussed the

task of creation with her. During the course of their discussion,

Lord Brahma said," How am I to proceed with this great work of

creation? How am I to create the Celestials? I find myself completely

at sea. Certainly, some one must offer Me ample guidance to enable Me

to execute My task to the entire satisfaction of 'Aadhiparaashakthi'.

What is the source on which I can depend to get the necessary

guidance?" Lord Brahma pondered over these questions, but could not

get an answer. So He told His consort Saraswathi that He was at His

wit's end.

Saraswathi who understood the intentions of Her Lord decided to put

an end to the problem that troubled Him . She meditated on

Lord 'Shiva' who is the head of the Trimurthis and did severe Penance

in order to receive the necessary guidelines which would enable Lord

Brahma to excel in the performance of the allotted task.

Lord 'Umaamaheswara' who was moved and pleased by Her penance

appeared before Her uttered the following words through His Holy

Lips."O Mother, I'm very pleased with your penance. I shall offer you

a Holy male child who will stand as the first Preceptor of the

Universe who shall be held in high esteem and will offer the

necessary guidelines to enable your husband to execute His duties

efficiently. I shall Bless Him with everlasting life. Receive the

child!" So saying Lord 'Umaamaheswara' caused a ray of light to fall

on Saraswathi's lap


(Sre Kagabujandar's) body glittered with Heavenly Radiance which was

gathered from the lights of thousands of brilliant Suns. His whole

body was adorned with many ornaments. There were ear rings covered

with amulets to ensure protection and a sacred chain on His neck

(Ruthraatcham) as a mark of possessing spiritual powers. He possessed

four arms pointing upwards and four arms pointing downwards from each

side of hIS body (the right and left sides). Thus there were eight

hands on each side of His body, which accounted for a total of

sixteen hands possessed. On each of His sixteen hands there were

bracelets for ensuring everlasting life. Seated on a gold lotus, HE

(Sre Kagabujandar) incarnated as a Divine child with a Third Eye and

HE fell on Mother Saraswathi's lap. Thus, he was born to Goddess



The Trimurthis expressed their joy at seeing hIS Divine handsome

figure adorned with ornaments by showering gold flowers on Him. Being

a Holy child they paid due respects to Him by bowing down their Heads

to Him.


On the four hands pointing upwards from the right side of His body,

HEheld weapons designed for the purpose of attack and defence like a

trident, (a three pronged weapon), a stylus for writing on a palm

leaf, Divine Light, and an emblem of fearlessness. On the four hands

pointing downwards from the right side of hIS body HE held a

Celestial cow named 'Kaamadenu', (that fulfils every wish) a lute, a

Crow and a magical black pigment.


On the four hands pointing upwards from the left side of My body, I

held a spear, a club i.e. a symbol that confers a boon (one of the

treasures of Lord Gubera) and a red Serpent.On the four hands

pointing downwards from the left side of My body I held a Treatise,

(a bundle of palm leaves) a sacred pot containing the favorite drink

of Celestials which ensures everlasting life, a seal which represents

the eight mystic powers possessed by Me and a magic wand.


Sre KaKabujanGa's (Sre Kakabusundi's) role found to be very great on

Sri Ramacaritamanasa by Gosvami Thulasidas. Once upon a time during

the early age of a ThreTa Yuga the Supreme Preceptor of the universe

Sre KaKabujanGa (Sre Kakabusundi) assumed the form of Crow and he

disclosed the holy history of Sre Rama (The Lord Vishnu) to Sre

Garuda at Manasa Lake (Manasarover) by first. This Divine message

witnessed by Lord Shiva on His interview with his consort Goddess

Shakthi there at Manasa Lake, the favourite abode of Celestial beings

over the earth. Sre Rama chandramurthi's holy history disclosed very

first to the world by Sre KaKabujanGa (Sre Kakabusundi) to Sre Garuda

has been reproduced by Sre Tulsidas in an efficient manner in sacred

poetry form.


Sre KaKabujanGar (Sre Kakabusundi) is ever protecting all the holy

histories with him on one among his sacred hand in the form of Palm

Leaves and the holy Treatise Ramayan is one among them. This holy

view is ever seen at Sre Kagabujandar (Sre Kakabusundi) Guru Temple

placed at Sothiyambakkam - Pavoor village, near Kanchipuram.


Sre Kagabujandar's (Sre Kakabusundi's)Holy mantras are of two kinds.

They are:


(1) Karma siddhi moola mantra


(2) Gnaana siddhi moola mantra


The Karma siddhi moola mantra helps to attain earthly pleasures. The

Gnaana siddhi moola mantra helps to attain spiritual knowledge.




"Ohm Saramana Badhaguru Kasadara Vanamaya "




"Ohm Kleem Shreem Sre Baguladevi Sametha Sre Kaagabujanda Maharishi

Biyom Namaha Namaha Vasiya Vasiya Sre PaathuKaam Poojayaame





"Gnaanaanantha Mayam Devam Nirmala SpaTHIKaakruthim Aadhaaram Sarva

Vidyaanaam KaagabujanGam UPaasmahe"

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