astrological tips
Astrological Tips : Daana, Puja, Manidharana, Adhyayana
Puja :
- With a pure and concentrated mind think of your Ishta Daivam, tell Him/Her/That your fears and wishes and ask for their help.
- Rituals are optional and are beneficial to the extent of attaining that pure concentrated mind.
- For those suffering from the illusory effects of Rahu : Devi Puja has worked the best in what I have s
- This has no known side-effects. (Exception : a poor lady spent a lot of money on an expensive ritual that she could not afford and ended up cursing the astrologer.)
Daana :
With a pure heart
- To some worthy person or children or orphans or elders or strangers, based on your ability, please donate,
- drinking water, food, clothes, medicine, useful articles, toys…
- some knowledge, books, education..
- some service : give up your seat in a bus, help someone pickup a load, clean some area, throw trash in a dustbin, .. all the way to Baba Amte levels of service
- take care of a garden, roadside plant.
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