
Showing posts from August, 2020

Purushottam Maas: अधिक मास में करें इस विशेष मंत्र का जाप, देगा अक्षय पुण्य फल

  मांगलिक कार्यों के लिए करना होगा इंतजार: Purushottam Maas:  19 वर्षों बाद इस वर्ष पितृ पक्ष और नवरात्र के बीच एक मास अधिक पड़ रहा है। यही कराण है कि पितृ पक्ष और नवरात्र एक महीने का अंतर आ गया है। इसे अधिकमास या पुरुषोत्तम मास भी कहा जाता है। ताया, आमतौर पर अधिकमास में हिंदू श्रद्धालु, व्रत, पूजा- पाठ, ध्यान, भजन, कीर्तन,  ने ब आदि करते हैं। पौराणिक सिद्धांतों के अनुसार, इस मास के दौरान यज्ञ-हवन के अलावा श्रीमद् देवीभागवत, श्री भागवत पुराण, श्री विष्णु पुराण, भविष्योत्तर पुराण आदि का श्रवण, पठन, मनन करने का भी विशेष महत्व है। यह बेहद फलदायी होता है। अधिकमास के अधिष्ठाता भगवान विष्णु हैं, इसीलिए इस पूरे समय में विष्णु मंत्रों का जाप किया जाए तो यह लाभकारी होता है। इस मास में अगर व्यक्ति जमीन पर सोए और एक ही समय भोजन करे तो उसे अनंत फल प्राप्त होते हैं। पुरुषोत्तम मास में यह विशेष मंत्र देगा अक्षय पुण्य फल: GOPAL SAHASARANAM  मंत्र : गोवर्धनधरं वन्दे गोपालं गोपरूपिणम्। गोकुलोत्सवमीशानं गोविन्दं गोपिकाप्रियम्।। अधिक मास में इनका करें दान: कृष्ण पक्ष का दान: घी से...


  Success Mantra: In   order to achieve success in life, it is very important to have positive thinking, confidence in oneself and the quality of focusing in the present.  People who are always crying their mistakes in the past or who do not believe in themselves, can never achieve success in life.  To climb the ladder of success, people have faith in themselves and focus on the present.  The present is your true friend, with the help of which you can challenge the past and control your future.  Let's know what this interesting story teaches.  It was many years ago.  A man claimed that he could tell the future of people by seeing the stars.  He described himself as an astrologer and spent much of his day staring at the stars.  He was always worried about the future.  People from the surrounding areas also used to come to know about his future from him. One day he was walking on the side of the road.  It was evening.  ...


  Pitru Paksha 2020:  According to the Panchang, Pitru Paksha is starting from the date of Chaturdashi of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month.  On this day, Chaturdashi's date ends at 9.38 am.  After this, the date of full moon will start.  Purnima Shraddha is also known as Purnima Shraddh. The importance of Shraddha and the result of the worship of ancestors in the Pitru Paksha is achieved.  According to astrology, Pitra dosha is also mentioned in the faults mentioned.  Pitra dosha always causes trouble, crisis and conflict in a person's life.  Therefore, it is said to be very important to correct this defect.  In Pitra Paksha, thanks are given to the ancestors through Shraddha Karma.  By doing this, fathers are happy and offer their blessings.  At the same time, by performing Shraddha Karma, the soul of the ancestors gets peace. How to perform Shraddha in Pitru Paksha According  to  Vedic religion, ancestors should be perfo...


Sonagiri Jain Temple, Gwaliar S onagiri is located Datia 15 km (By Road) 15 km (by Train) from Datia and 45 km (By Road) 48 km (By Train) from Jhansi. For transport a Bus of Sonagiri Kshetra is available at Sonagiri Railway Station. Sonagiri tirth is pure natural environment, hilly and scene of beautiful temples with high spires looks very attractive, pleasing to eyes and mind. Sonagiri is a sacred place popular among devotees and ascetic saints to practice for self discipline, austerity and to attain Nirvana since the time of Bhagwan Chandraprabhu . T he Samavsharan of Bhagwan Chandraprabhu came here for 17 times. Nang, Anang, Chintagati, Poornachand, Ashoksen, Shridatta, Swarnbhadra and many other saints achieved salvation from here. This is the unique place known as Laghu Sammed Shikhar covering the area of 132 acres of two hills. There are 77 beautiful Jain temples with sky high spires, Temple No. 57 is main among them. Acharya Shubh Chandra & Bhartrihari lived and worked here ...


           Kubera Mantra: Power, Benefits and Procedure Kubera is the Lord of Wealth . Kubera mantras are not something that can be chanted without believing in them and without putting all the efforts that you can. Power: You just have to believe in the mantra and chant it with your heart; it not only brings peace to your life but also bring everything that you desire to have, especially the materialistic things that you want to enjoy. People chant Kubera mantra because they are into financial losses, or probably signing a big deal and they want to attract some positive energy into their life. Kubera is the Hindu Lord of wealth, and hence, when you praise him and chant his mantra, you are bound to get all the luck that you need to grow more in your financial stream.  It is said to be ‘that’ powerful! The story of Kubera stretches back when he was made fun of due to his obese appearance. It was then when he decided to please Lord Shiva; when he pleased...


               aakshay kumar                      Planetary combinations in his birth chart as per his lagna  Ascendant of  Akshay Kumar  is  Scorpio . And Lord of Scorpio,  Mars  is viewed in his charts. A strong Mars in the  kundli  is very auspicious. Clearly contributing a lot to Akshay’s personality making his full of energy and that not a single person can deny in case of Mr. Khiladi. This placement of  Mars  is making a  Panch M ahapurush  Yoga  called  Rochak Yoga . The highlight of his Kundli is the placement of Mars in its own sign in  Scorpio Ascendant . Mars, being the commander in chief in the planets cabinet makes him interested in physical activities and the fact that he even got his education in martial arts. Another auspicious placement is of Sun its own sign in tenth house. On top of that, so many othe...


786   PICTURE OF ABDUL BABAS FOURTH GENERATION GRANDSON HAJI ABDUL GHANI AZIZ Of the Muslim devotees who came to Baba, the one about whom the greatest amount of information is available and who is revered by large numbers of Sai devotees is Abdul. Abdul is the one Muslim, who permanently attached himself to Baba for nearly thirty years during Baba’s life in the flesh and for thirty six years after Mahasamadhi, sticking on to Baba, and living upon the doles he got from the public. Abdul was born in about 1871 and died in April 1954. He was a native of Nanded on the banks of Tapti. When he was very young, and under the care of Fakir Amiruddin of Nanded, Sai Baba appeared in the dream of that Fakir, and gave him two mangoes telling him to give the fruits to Abdul and send Abdul to Shirdi. Accordingly the Fakir told him of that dream, gave the fruits and directed him to go to Sai Baba of Shirdi. So, he came in his 20th year, about 1890, to Baba. At that time even Nana Saheb Chandorkar ...